Thursday, 27 March 2014

He understands..

The most beautiful thing in my days is watching my littlest two boys interact. Mr 2 is just so loving, gentle, thoughtful and understanding of baby M.

When baby M is upset, Mr 2 will tell me what it is that he wants. I've really noticed in the last few days that Mr 2 is spot on, everytime. Where he used to just say "he wants mummy" or "he wants a breastfeed", Mr 2 now knows if M wants to sleep, is asking for a toy, or needs to do a wee!

My favourite though is when M is upset, and Mr 2 will go up and cuddle him, saying "it's ok M, I'm here".

He understands.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

A sentiment to remember..

"Jealousy is the art of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own"

This sentence jumped off the page it was on. Clearly a message I needed to see.

The whole article is well worth a read too.

One must wonder..

As a full-time Mum to three lively boys - aged 11, 2 and 4 months - and a loving husband running his own business, my life is certainly very full. It is exciting, enlightening, and all encompassing. So why, one might ask, would this mother take on full-time study as well?

Tonight, as I took a moment from the computer to walk around and settle Baby M in the Ergo, I realised that maybe it was just an excuse to get out of cleaning the floors.

One must wonder..